Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak had stepped down as the military took charge of the country, Egypt's Vice President Omar Suleiman said on Friday afternoon. 埃及副总统称,埃及总统HosniMubarak于星期五的中午在军队掌管了了整个国家后已经下台。
Officials said the military expected to send as many as 3,000 people to Africa to take charge of responding to the Ebola outbreak. 官员说,军方预计派往非洲的人数可达3000人,他们将担负应对埃博拉疫情的责任。
Organization to understand "expose" my problem, I transferred to Military Management Agency, as I put in charge of organ directly under the team did a good job! 组织上为了弄清“揭发”我的问题,将我调至军区管理处工作,我却一样把分管机关、直属队的军事行政工作做得很好!
A squad formed to fire volleys at a military funeral or to carry out a military execution. In the past, a company commander at the front could just hold up a Mauser and cry, "Charge"! 举行军人葬礼时的鸣枪队或执行军事枪决的班。过去的连长,驳壳枪一举,就是冲氨!
Civil rights groups argue that the bill is an historic threat to liberty because it expands the authority of the president to order the military to imprison suspects without charge or trial. 权益团体说,该预算案扩大了总统的权力,使总统可以命令军方在不经过起诉和审判的情况下囚禁嫌疑人,这是对公民自由的历史性的威胁。
He should have pushed BP aside; he should have put the military in charge; he should have conveyed a greater sense of urgency; he should have shown he gets it. 他应该把英国石油(BP)推到一旁;他应该让军方负责此事;他应该传递出更强烈的紧迫感;他应该表现出一切尽在掌握的姿态。
The greater military regions should take charge of training company and battalion cadres, and the higher-level schools should train cadres at the regimental level and above. 大军区训练营连干部。高级学校训练团以上的干部。
Town's lucky to have a military man in charge. 多亏你们有个军人在负责。
The government declared a state of emergency, putting the military in charge of public order and suspending civil liberties. 政府宣布国家进入紧急状态,把军事负责公共秩序和吊公民自由。
It argued in effect that jurisdiction over the offense is sufficient for trial of an accused by military commission, when the charge includes the offense of unlawful enemy belligerency. 该法院认为军事委员会对被告的审判,指控其包括在非正常敌对状态下从事敌对活动在内的犯罪事实充分,具有法律效力。
During the11-day visit, the Chinese general was also invited to visit some sensitive military sites, including the Strategic Command Headquarter, which was in charge of nuclear weapons and cyber war. 在为期11天的访问中,中国代表团还应邀参观了一些敏感的军事设施,包括战略指挥中心,该中心负责管理核武器和网络战争。
China began to supply military trucks to Argentina free of charge at that time. 中国开始供应军用卡车阿根廷免费时间。
I have talked with comrades from the Academy of Military Sciences and the Military and Political College, asking them to take charge of compiling materials. 我跟军事科学院、军政大学的同志谈过,请他们主持把教材编出来。
I was a 23-year-old junior officer, fresh out of the training programme and younger than 80 per cent of the people who were technically working for me, he says. And yet the military trusted me to be in charge. 我当时是一位23岁的下级军官,刚刚完成培训,比自己手下80%的人都年轻,他表示,但是军队信任我,让我担任领导。
Provision and Management of Military Health Charge 军队卫生事业费的供应与管理
Contrast on Military and Local Charge on Special Medical Items 医疗特殊项目军地费用对比情况分析
Objective: Study on contrast on military and local charge on special medical items, adjust policy of health economy timely and effectively to guarantee the fair treatment between army men and people. 目的:开展医疗特殊项目军地费用对比研究,及时、有效调整卫生经济政策,确保军地伤病员同病同治。
Methods: Collect data of military and local charge on special medical items from 2000 to 2003 in some Three As hospital, analyze data with Excel. 方法:收集某军队三级甲等医院2000-2003年度三类医疗特殊项目军地患者的费用信息,应用Excel软件进行统计分析。
According to military standard of China, the dimension of three kinds of typical small tubular propellant charge were measured with this equipment in practice, indicating that the precision, speed and efficiency of measuring data all reached request designed. 按照国军标要求,分别对3种典型小型推进剂管状装药药形尺寸进行实际检测,检测结果的精度、检测工作的速度及效率等均达到设计要求。
The U.S. military to invest heavily to build to make it free of charge, open broadcast policy and news and information services, while commercial companies have introduced more than a military documentaries and more influence. 美国军方投以巨资打造,使其以免费的,开放的播送策略和新闻信息服务,而拥有比商业公司推出的军事纪录片更有影响力。
In the region of military, it is necessary to simulate the propagation of underwater blast wave and compute the peak pressure for the development of torpedo and depth charge. 在军事领域,水雷和深水炸弹的研制需要对相应的水下爆炸波传播和超压峰值进行计算研究。
Put the infrared thermal radiation signals into a visible target, which is important means of military reconnaissance, warning and night charge cable. 将红外热辐射信号转化为可见的目标物,是军事侦察、预警和夜间收索的重要手段。